Rebeads Mag OH 50 magnetic microspheres
Rebeads Mag OH 50:
50mg/ml 100mg/ml
Product Detail
Product Introduction
Rebeads Mag OH 50 is a magnetic solid phase carrier specially designed for the extraction of viral nucleic acid. It has a large specific surface area and magnetic induction intensity, and its surface silanols can rapidly and specifically bind to nucleic acid in high salt and low pH conditions , but not combined with other impurities. Our mag OH 50 the obtained viral nucleic acid has high yield and high purity, and works well with many lysis systems and various brands of automated nucleic acid extraction platforms on the market.
Product Feature
Rebeads Mag OH 50
Grain size
Preserving fluid
Ultra pure water
Preservation condition
2-25℃ two years
Operating Steps
Precautions for using magnetic beads
1. Operations such as freezing, drying and centrifugation will cause magnetic beads to agglomerate, which is not easy to resuspend and disperse;
2. Before using this product, be sure to fully vortex to keep the magnetic beads in a uniform suspension state;
3. Under normal storage conditions, if there is a slight color difference of the magnetic beads, it is normal and will not affect the experimental performance.
Gen Mag Beads
Virus Nucleic Acid Extraction MagneticBeadsNucleic Acid
Extraction magnetic Beads
cf DNA Extraction Magnetic Beads
Genome Extraction MagneticBeads
Micro Sample Nucleic Acid ExtractionMagnetic Beads
Carboxyl Magnetic Beads
Streptavidin magnetic beads
Viral nucleic acid extraction magnetic beads
Rebe ads Mag O H 5 0、Rebe ads Mag
OH 100、Rebeads Mag OH R56、Rebeads spec ially des igned for the ext rac t ion of
vi ral nuc lei c ac id. I t has a large spec i f i c s u r f a c e a r e a a n d m a g n e t i c i n d u c t i o n
i n t e n s i t y , a n d i t s s u r f a c e s i l a n o l s c a n.
rapidly and spe c i f i c a ll y bind to nuc l e i c
acid in solut ion under high sal t and low
pH conditions, instead of being combined
wi th nuc lei c ac id in solut ion. Combined
wi th other impur i t ies, the obtained vi ral
n u c l e i c a c i d h a s a h i gh y i e l d a n d h i gh
p u r i t y , a n d i s s u i t a b l e f o r m a n y l y s i s
systems and various brands of automated
nuc lei c ac id ext rac t ion plat forms in the
Rebeads Mag OH 50
Rebeads Mag OH 100
Rebeads Mag OH 60
Rebeads Mag OH F
Rebeads Mag OH 50B
Rebeads Mag OH R56
Rebeads MagOHR69dia:50nm-100nm
Free sample nuclei c acid ext rac t ion magnet i c beads
R e b e a d s c f D N A s p e c i a l
magnetic solid-phase carrier specially designed for
nucleic acid extraction of cell-free DNA. The special
product ion process makes i t st rong magnet ic and
has s t rong abili ty to capture shor t f ragment s . I t s
sur f a c e s i l anol s c an spe c i f i c a l l y bind to nuc l e i c
acids under the conditions of high salt and low pH. , The extracted nucleic acid has high purity and high
yield. Wi th the automated nucleic acid ext ract ion
pl a t form, the ent i r e e x t r a c t ion proc e s s i s mor e
ef f i c ient and s a fe r , and i t c an be w ide l y used in
r e s e a r c h a n d a p p l i c a t i o n s i n t h e f i e l d o f l i f e
Dia 200nmConcentration 50mg/ml
CV 4%Storage Ultral water
2-8℃ for 2 years, Roomtempreturefor 1 year
G e n o m e E x t r a c t i o n M a g n e t i c B e a d s
Rebeads Mag OH D、Rebeads Mag OH 50A、Rebeads Mag OH 50E、Rebeads Mag OH 200 are magnet ic solidphasecarrier specially designed for the extraction of genomic nucleic acid from various samples. The special productionprocessmakes i t st rong magnet ic and good dispersibili ty. The magnet ic beads are not easy to aggregate and st ickdur ingthenucleic acid ext ract ion proces s . I t binds spec i f i cally to nuc lei c ac id under the condi t ion of low sal t andpH, andtheextracted genome has high purity and high yield. With the automatic nucleic acid extraction platform, the wholeextractionprocess is more efficient and safer, and it can be widely used in research and application in the field of life science.
Rebeads Mag OH D
Rebeads Mag OH 50A
Rebeads Mag OH 50E
Rebeads MagOH200dia:200nm-400nm
Micro-sample nucleic acid extraction magnetic beads
Rebeads Mag OH C、
Rebeads Mag OH
C1 are magnetic solid phase carrier specially
d e s i g n e d f o r n u c l e i c a c i d e x t r a c t i o n o f
v a r i o u s m i c r o s a m p l e s . T h e s p e c i a l
p r o d u c t i o n p r o c e s s m a k e s i t s t r o n g
magnetic and good dispersibili ty. Magnetic
beads are not easy to aggregate and s t i ck
dur ing the nucleic acid ext ract ion process. I t spec i f i cally binds to nuc lei c ac id under
the condi t ion of low sal t and p H , and the
extracted genome has high pur i ty and high
y i e l d .
W i t h t h e a u t o m a t i c n u c l e i c a c i d
ext rac t ion plat form, the whole ext rac t ion
proces s i s more ef f icient and safer , and i t
c a n b e w i d e l y u s e d i n r e s e a r c h a n d
application in the field of life science.。
Rebeads Mag OH C
Rebeads MagOHC1dia:200nm-400nm
SA Magnetic beads
Rebeads Mag SAMagnet i c beads adopt di rec t ional immobili zat ion technology to covalent ly couple s t reptavidin to magnet i c mi c rospheres wi thr egu l a r s hape a nd u n i form pa r t i c l e s i z e to form a monomol e c u l a r immobi l i z a t ion l a y e r , w hi c h c a n be u s ed f o r t h e s e p a r a t i o n a n d d e t e c t i onofbiot inylated nucleic acids and target molecules, wi th uni form shape speci f ic sur face for ef f icient capture, separat ion and downst ream manipulat ion。Cat No NBS203
Name Rebeads Mag SA
dia 1um
Concentration 10mg/ml
Storage liquid
(pH 7.4,contain 0.02% Tween-20 ,0.05%ProclinTM300)
Storage 2-8℃ 1 year
CV 4%
Application Hybrid capture, chemiluminescence, nucleic acid purificationHigh biotin
binding capacity
Highly specific
target capture High sensitivity Automatic
Carboxyl magnetic beads
Rebeads Mag COOH series magnetic beads are monodisperse and regular spherical, withstableparticlesize, super magnetic and fast magnetic responsiveness. The ligands are covalently coupled tothesurfaceofthe magnetic microspheres. Rebeads Mag COOH is a polymer-based solid microsphere, which is mainly used in the fieldof biologicalana l y s i s and de te c t ion, such a s in v i t ro di agnos i s , mi c robi a l de te c t ion, immunopre c ipi t at ion, coimmunoprecipitation, etc. Cat No NBC303
Name Rebeads Mag COOH
dia 1um
Concentration 10mg/ml
Stroage Liquid Ultral water(Contains preservatives)Storage time 2-8℃ for 2 years
CV 4%
Application Nucleic acid purification, chemiluminescence, protein purification
Rebeads Mag Oligo dT
Oligo(dT) -coated beads enable the isolation and extraction of mRNA from a variety of samples, andpolyadenylated RNA (pol y-A+ RNA) can be readil y conjugated to the oligo(dT) group us ingstandardhybridi zation conditions , other RNA species (rRNA and tRNA) do not contain poly A+sequencesandtherefore do not bind to oligo(dT) magnetic beads. In the presence of a magnetic field, these particlescanberapidly and completely separated. Thus, the isolated mRNA is highly pure and can be used directly for cloningand expression analysis applications.。
Cat No. NBT501
Product name ReBeads Mag oligo (dT)
base polymer
Concentration 5 mg/mL
Storage PBS pH 7.4
Isolate and extract mRNA froma var iety of samples , and thee x t r a c t e d m R N A c a n bed i r e c tl y u s e d i n a p p l i c a ti ons
such as RT-PCR, cDNA l ibraryconstruction, cDNA microarray, a f f i n it y p u r i f i c a ti o n , p r i mer
e x t e n s i o n a n d s u b t r a c t i vehybridization.
Rebeads DNA Select ion Beads
Rebeads DNA Selection Beads is a DNA purification reagent based on magnetic bead adsorption medium. It canpurifyPCR system, enzyme digestion and ligation reaction system, etc., and can obtain high-quality DNA products. Theoperationprocess does not require centrifugation or filtration. The nucleic acid has high purity, and at the same time, by adjustingtheamount of magnetic beads, it can screen and purify DNA fragments of different sizes. It is a DNA purificationandsortingproduct specially designed for the construction of high-throughput sequencing libraries. UsageCat NO SP701
DNA Fragment Sorting Magnetic beads/ RebeadsDNA
Selection Beads
Fragment Range 100bp above
Recovery rate 90% above
can perfected instead of BeckmanAgencourtAMPure
XP Beads
Compatibility Various brands of DNA and RNA library kits
Storage 2-8℃,Valid for 12 months
Fragment Size 200-300bp
300- 400bp
500- 600bp
600-800bp <200bp
First binding rate 0.80× 0.70× 0.60× 0.55× 0.50× 1.0×
Second binding rate 0.20× 0.20× 0.20× 0.15× 0.15× —
Product Character
Suggestion for the quantity for use
T h i s p r o d u c t i s s u it a b l e f o r t h e s o r ti n ga n d p u r ifi c a ti o n o f D N A f r a gm e n t s i n t h ep r o c e s s o f n e x t - g e n e r a ti o n s e q u e n c i n gl i b r a r y c o n s t r u c ti o n . I t c a n o b t a i n DNAl i b r a r i e s o f d i f f e r e n t s i z e s a c c o r d i n g t odiffer ent loading conditions .。
Rebeads DNA Selection Beads Plus
Rebeads DNA Selection Beads Plus is a DNA purification reagent based on magnetic bead adsorption medium, whichcanpurify PCR sys tem, enzyme diges tion and ligation reaction sys tem, etc. , and can obtain high-quality DNA product s. Theoperation process does not require centrifugation or filtration. This product is optimized and upgraded on the basis of NGSDNA Selection Beads (Cat. No. SP701), which can accurately recover DNA fragment s of a certain fragment length. It i sapurification product that is accurate and highly efficient for DNA fragments. UsageCat No SP702
Product name RebeadsDNA Selection Beadsplus
Above 100bp,Precise specific fragment length
recovery rate Above 90%
Same as BeckmanAgencourtAMPure XP Beads, Adaptability Various brands of DNA and RNA library kits
Storage 2-8℃,Validity 12months
Thi s produc t i s suitable for thesorting and purification of DNAf r a g m e n t s i n t h e p r o c e s s of
n e x t - g e n e r a t i o n s e q u e nc i ngl i b r a r y c o n s tr u c ti o n , a ndanya p p l i c a t i o n i n t h e f i e l dof
g e n e ti c t e s ti n g t h a t r e quir eshigh purity and DNA length. Fragment size 200bp 250bp 300bp 350bp 400bp 500bp 600bp 700bp
First time
binding ratio
0.80× 0.70× 0.60× 0.55× 0.50× 0.45× 0.40× 0.35×
Second time
binding ratio
0.20× 0.20× 0.20× 0.15× 0.15× 0.15× 0.15× 0.15×
The rat io of the size of the sor ted DNA f ragments to the added amount of the magnet ic
bead suspension
The ratio of the s i ze of the sorted DNA fragment s to the added amount of the magneti c bead suspens ion
Rebeads Small DNA Fragment Clean Beads
Rebeads Small DNA Fragment Clean Beads is suitable for the purification of DNA fragments. It can recover DNAfragments as low as 50bp easily and quickly, and can effectively remove impurities such as primer dimers, dNTPs,inorganic salts and proteins. The products purified by the magnetic beads can be directly used for downstreammolecular experiments such as sequencing, PCR templates, and enzyme digestion. UsageCharacter
Amount of the magnetic bead for adding
Thi s product makes upfort h e l o w p u r i f i c at i onefficiency of Rebeads DNAS e l e c tion Be ads product sf o r s m a l l D NAfr a gment sl e s s than 2 0 0bp, andthi sproduc t c an r e cov er DNAfragments as lowas 50bp。Form1 product infomation
Table 1 The ratio of the s i ze of recovered DNA fragment s to
the amount of magneti c bead suspens ion added
Cat No SP704
Product name RebeadsSmall DNA Fragment Clean Beads
specification 5ml,50ml,500ml
Storage Storage 2-8℃,Validity
DNA size ≥50bp ≥200bp ≥500bp
binding ratio 2.2× 1.0× 0.5×
01 【Package specification】 Bi g p a c k a ge
02 【Main Compostion】
L y s i s b u f f e r
Wa s h Bu f f e r (a dd A l c o h o l)
E l u t i o n b u f f e r
Ma gn e t i c b e a ds
03 【Transportation】 N o r m a l t e m p r e t u r e
04 【Storage and validity】Ro o m t e m p r e t u r e f o r 1 2
m o n t h s
05 【Applicable instruments】
Ma i n s t r e a m a u t o m a t i c
n u c l e i c a c i d e x t r a c t i o n
i n s t r u m e n t o n t h e m a r k e t。
06 【compatibility】
C o m p a t i b l e w i t h v a r i o u s b r a n ds o f
s a m p l e p r e s e r v a t i o n s o l u t i o n s a n d
qu a l i t y c o n t r o l p r o du c t s o n t h e m a r k e t
图片Product details 1
01 【Package specification】 9 6 T / b o x
02 【Main Compostion】
Lys i s buf fer plate 96T*1
Wash Buf fer plate 96T*1
Elut ion buf fer plate 96T*1
96 t ip comb 1pc
03 【Transportation】 Normal tempreture
04 【Storage and validity】Room tempreture for
12 months
05 【Applicable instruments】
Ma i n s t r e a m a u t o m a t i c
n u c l e i c a c i d e x t r a c t i o n
i n s t r u m e n t o n t h e m a r k e t。
T i s s u e , w h o l e b l o o d, s e r u m , p l a s m a , t h r o a t s w a b , a s c i t e s , c e r e b r o sp i n a l
f l u i d, u r i n e a n d o t h e r s a m p l e s
图片Product details 2
2 Strong compatibility4
Reduce cost andfast result 3
Efficient and
Three plates to improve experimental efficiency; fastext ract ion speed to reduce exper imental t imeThe extraction efficiency is as high
as 90% or more, Intra-assay repeatability >95%;
Adapt to the samples of variousmanufacturers in the market
Preservation solutions andqualitycontrols;
Compatible with automated
extraction equipment
The need for high-throughput
viral nucleic acid extraction;
Only 3 boards are required, 10 minutes to complete the
extraction of 96 samples;Character
Step 1
First, add alcohol to the cleaning solution
according to a cer tain ratio, and stir it evenly.
Step 3
Turn on the nucleic acid extractor and set the
following program:
Step 2
Step 4
Reagents are packaged according to the volume of
600ul of lysis solution, 800ul of washing solution
(780uL+20uL), and 80ul of eluent for a single
Remove the magnet ic rod cover and take out the deep
well plate. Extracted viral nucleic acid (RNA & DNA) in
the elut ion plate, transferred to a new 1.5mL centri fuge
tube, used direct ly in downstream experiments. Store at -80°C
i f not used immediately。
Use step
Compatible with multi-type multi- manufacturer instruments
Compatible with mainstream nucleic
a c id ex tr a c tor s in Zybio, Sansur e, Da’an, Tianlong, Shuoshi and other
EXM 6000
Adapter instrument
Mag Beads MethodExtractionKit
Magnetic beads methods Advantage
m u c h l o w e r c o s t
h i g h t h r o u g h p u t , A u t o m a t e
o p e r a t i o n a l
p r o c e s s e s
M a g n e t i c b e a d i n t e g r a t i o n
a p p l i c a t i o n , B e t t e r p e r f o r m a n c e t h a n
t r a d i t i o n a l m e t h o d s
S a f e a n d e f f e c t i v e
c o n t r o l
E r r o r r a t e
Magnetic beads method extraction
Magnetic Bead Method Plasmid Extraction Reagent
1. Magnetic Bead Method Universal Plasmid Extraction Kit
2. Magnetic Bead Method High-Load Plasmid Extraction Kit
3. Double magnetic bead method plasmid DNA extraction kit (no centrifugation)
Magnetic beads method extraction
Magnetic bead method agarose gel DNA recovery reagent
1.Magnetic bead method universal agarose gel DNA recovery kit
2.Magnetic Bead Method Large Volume Agarose Gel DNA Recovery Kit
3.Magnetic Bead Method Special Fragment Agarose Gel DNA Recovery Kit
Magnet ic beads method ext ract ion
Magnetic bead PCR product purification kit
1.Magnetic bead method PCR product purification kit
2.Magnetic bead digestion product purification kit
Magnetic beads method extraction
Magnetic bead method sanger sequencing PCR
product purification
1.Mag Beads SEQ PCR Product Purification Kit
2.Mag Beads SEQ PCR Product Purification Kit BAI03
3.Mag Beads SEQ PCR Product Purification Kit Plus
Magnetic Bead Method Plasmid Extraction
high purity
structure is
Suitable for
manual andmachineoperationApplication
Magnetic bead method agarose gel DNA recovery reagentProduct
1. The matching degree of the adaptation
scheme is more than 90%;
2. The product delivery performance rate
is guaranteed to be 100%;
3. The timeliness of service response:
within 12-hour response.
03Rebeads professional nucleic
acid extraction magneticbeads solemnly promises
t h e q u a l i t y t h a t a l l
customers care about most -
the batch-to-batch variationof all products is less than4%.